rule crime_linux_umbreon : rootkit { meta: description = "Catches Umbreon rootkit" reference = "" author = "Fernando Merces, FTR, Trend Micro" date = "2016-08" strings: $ = { 75 6e 66 75 63 6b 5f 6c 69 6e 6b 6d 61 70 } $ = "unhide.rb" ascii fullword $ = "rkit" ascii fullword condition: uint32(0) == 0x464c457f // Generic ELF header and uint8(16) == 0x0003 // Shared object file and all of them } rule crime_linux_umbreon_strace : rootkit { meta: description = "Catches Umbreon strace rootkit component" reference = "" author = "Fernando Merces, FTR, Trend Micro" date = "2016-08" strings: $ = "LD_PRELOAD" fullword $ = /ld\.so\.[a-zA-Z0-9]{7}/ fullword $ = "\"/etc/\"" fullword $ = "fputs_unlocked" fullword condition: uint32(0) == 0x464c457f // Generic ELF header and uint8(16) == 0x0003 // Shared object file and all of them } rule crime_linux_umbreon_espeon : rootkit backdoor { meta: description = "Catches Umbreon strace rootkit component" reference = "" author = "Fernando Merces, FTR, Trend Micro" date = "2016-08" strings: $ = "Usage: %s [interface]" fullword $ = "Options:" fullword $ = " interface Listen on for packets." fullword $ = "/bin/espeon-shell %s %hu" $ = { 66 75 63 6b 20 6f 66 66 20 63 75 6e 74 } $ = "error: unrecognized command-line options" fullword condition: uint32(0) == 0x464c457f // Generic ELF header and uint8(16) == 0x0002 // Executable file and all of them }